646f9e108c 2,000 years ago the human world was ruled over by the demon world. However, one of the demons, the legendary dark knight Sparda, awoke to justice and defeating the evil emperor Mundus sealed the demon world away from the human world. He then sealed his own darkest powers away (fearing he would become a threat to the humans himself) and assumed a human form, living among the humans, and for 2000 years he preserved the harmony of the worlds. Eventually Sparda fell in love with a human woman called Eva and had twin half blood sons, Dante and Vergil. However, Sparda died, and shortly after, Eva was killed in a demon attack that separated the two sons. Hating the demons for taking away his mother and his brother from him, Dante becomes a demon hunter and continues his fathers work, seeking revenge. 20 years on, Dante is called to Mallet island on a job, and comes face to face with an ancient enemy of his fathers.
After losing his brother and mother to demon lord Mundus, demon hunter Dante and his new friend Trish embark on a quest to confront Lord Mundus.
I'm sure most of you have noticed that this game is somewhat linked to Dante Allighieri's Divine Comedy! I mean you have Dante, Virgil and Trish (Beatrice)! This is one of the few games I know that REALLY deserves a movie. An excellent cast would be Gary Daniels or maybe even Jean Claude Van Damme to play Dante. Dante in the game is strong, a great hand to hand fighter and also an excellent marksmen, wielding hand guns and many other items. One of the most stylish characters since Spawn!
It seems Hollywood can't avoid the craze with adapting video games into feature length films with kick ass effects involved. . .<br/><br/>Okay so we've been given films like Mortal Kombat 1 & 2 and Resident Evil are strong justifications with comic books already firmly establishing close ties with dominating the big screen (i.e. Blade, X-Men, The Crow, Spiderman and Matrix).<br/><br/>The game is more than what any typical game playing die-hard fan could wish for: stunning graphics, killer moves and one beautiful gorgeous looking babe named Trish. But then again it's only a game or is it?<br/><br/>Bring on the movie, that's all I'm concerned with right now. Just hope someone like Mark Dacascos could be considered for the lead role as the character Dante.<br/><br/>For the meantime anyone a fan of Resident Evil will not be dissapointed at all as this is "must-own" video game of the millennium.<br/><br/>"Lets Rock Baby" - Dante 10/10
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